do I sparkle, do you want to buy me
do I sparkle, do i blind you
do I sparkle, can you have me
do I sparkle, you can't buyme
do I sparkle, I don't blind you
do I sparkle, you can't have me
do I sparkle, do you want to buy me?


Whats missing over here
is something sparkly
whats missing over here
is something that sparkles loud
how can something loud be sparkly
how can sparkles make noise
unless its a fire craker put under a rug
and the whole house goes up in one
natural gas gisser of hell-fire and hate
what's missing here is someone to
watch what I'm doing
to protect me and the world
what's missing here is an involved
parent to find that I sparkle
that there isn't anything missing
except you,
to take my hand and tell me that I sparkle